Site notice

Gasitech Industrie-Gas-Handelsgesellschaft mbH

Am Heideberg 1A · 16818 Walsleben
Tel.: +49 (0)33920 674 0
Fax.: +49 (0)33920 674 44
E-Mail: Send us an e-mail

Christina Hagen
Andreas Laatsch

Company domicile: Walsleben
District Court of Neuruppin HRB No. 2829
VAT ID No.: DE 167793721

Concept, editing, design & programming: rosengrün kommunikation

Picture credits:
Gasitech Industrie-Gas-Handelsgesellschaft mbH,
rosengrün kommunikation (Richter & Mundt)

Editing note:
Where applicable, the masculine form was used in order to improve legibility. This form is explicitly gender-neutral. It refers, of course, to all genders.

Legal information

The contents of our site were created with the greatest care. However, we cannot take any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or topicality of the content presented. As a service provider, we are responsible in accordance with § 7 para. 1 of TMG for our own contents on these sites under the general laws. However, in accordance with §§ 8 to 10 TMG (German Teleservices Act), we – as service providers – are not obliged to monitor transmitted or stored information from third parties or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information under the general laws remain unaffected. Nevertheless, liability in this regard is possible only from the date of acquiring knowledge of specific infringement. We will remove the content as soon as we become aware of the relevant infringement.

Liability for linked content

Our site contains links to external third-party websites, and we have no control over their contents. We therefore accept no liability for any such third-party content. The relevant service provider or operator of the linked website is always responsible for the content of that website. Linked pages are checked at the time of linking for possible legal infringements. No illegal content was identified at the time the link was made. However, it is not reasonable to expect us to check the content of these linked websites without specific evidence of an infringement. We will remove any such links as soon as we become aware of the infringement.


The content created by the site operators, as well as articles on these websites, are subject to German copyright. Reproduction, editing, distribution or any kind of use beyond the scope of copyright law require the written consent of the author or editor. Downloads and copies of this website are permitted only for private, non-commercial use. If the contents of this website were not created by the site operator, third-party copyrights will be respected. Third-party content, in particular, is identified as such. Should you nevertheless become aware of a copyright violation, we request immediate notification. We will remove such content as soon as we become aware of any infringements.

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